Website Development for Fulton Grace Realty

Real Estate Marketplace

Revolutionizing Real Estate: From Brokerage Connectivity to Dynamic Ecosystems
UX Prototyping
User Interface Design
Requirements Documentation/Business Analysis
Software Development/Frontend and Backend
Software Testing & QA
Ongoing Maintenance & Improvements
Portfolio Services 1
We developed a web portal and mobile app for Fulton Grace Realty. The client needed a web and mobile app solution to create a real estate marketplace. It’s now being used by realtors and customers alike.
Portfolio Services 2
To successfully branch out into multiple states, Fulton Grace Realty aimed to increase its user base, ensure compliance with varying state regulations, and deliver distinctive services tailored to each market. Fundamental to their vision was the need to scale up their infrastructure, technology, and team without compromising platform stability. The challenge also involved enticing real estate professionals, agencies, and potential clients from both current and new states. Given the integral role of accurate, real-time data in the real estate industry, it was imperative to either establish or augment data management processes, thereby ensuring the dependability of property listings across all operational states.

This encompassed:
– Incorporating integrations with state property databases for genuine listings.
– Curating unique features to captivate users and assist agents in delivering premium client services and managing leads.
– Elevating usability and performance.
– Advancing SEO practices.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: Python 3.8, SQL (Postgres), Django 3.2, Django REST Framework, Postgresql, Celery, Redis, Django-channels
Front-end: JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular 16.1, RxJs 7.6, Bootstrap, Angular Material
Design Tools: Adobe Suite, Sketch, Figma, Axure, FigJam
CI/DevOps tools: GitLab, Docker, Kubernetes, Google Cloud
Portfolio Services 4
BIT Studios embarked on the challenge by implementing several features, including:
– Agent’s hub and dashboard for centralized control.
– Property and Investment analysis tools for data-driven decisions.
– Seller Net Worksheet to aid agents.
– Introduction of new sources for listings.
– Creation of a Digital Media Center.
– Advanced User/Document management systems.
– Property tour features.
– A comprehensive project redesign emphasizing global and specific view enhancements for superior user experience.
– Performance optimizations to handle large datasets and swift searches across millions of records.
Fulton Grace Realty
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
Fulton Grace Realty Mobile Website Overview
Fulton Grace Realty Mobile Website Overview 2
Fulton Grace Realty Listing Search Page
Fulton Grace Realty Homepage
Fulton Grace Realty Biography Page
Fulton Grace Realty Real Estate Search Page
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