
Wire Fraud Prevention

Real Estate Wire Fraud Prevention – Real Time
web & software development
web design
software & qa testing
Portfolio Services 1
Startup client in the Real Estate Title industry.
Portfolio Services 2
CertifID’s challenge was to find a way to make wire fraud transactions a thing of the past. To make it pretty much impossible for either the sender or recipient to become a victim in this ever-growing area of fraud.
Portfolio Services 3
Back-end: NetStandard 1.3, ASP.Net WebApi 2, ASP.NET Identity, Entity Framework 6, AutoMapper, Autofac, log4net, Swagger
Front-end: React.js, Redux, Bootstrap, SASS, Webpack, Karma + Jasmine + Enzyme
CI/DevOps tools: TeamCity, Azure, Docker
QA Tools: Selenium
Portfolio Services 4
We worked closely with the CertifID to create an online service for real estate, mortgage and title industry professionals to verify the identities of parties in a transaction and securely transfer bank account credentials.
Check Out a Few Project Screens Below
CertifID Customer Statistics
CertifID Account Activation via QR Code
CertifID Mobile Website Overview
CertifID Enterprise Details
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