Flutter vs. React Native: 8 Vital Points of Distinction

Ivan Bezdenezhnih
Head of Business Analysis, BIT Studios
Mobile App Development
28 min read
Published: Oct 14, 2019
Updated: Oct 31, 2023
React Native Vs. Flutter

Flutter and React Native have emerged as two popular choices for cross-platform app development. React Native, backed by Facebook, and Flutter, supported by Google, offer powerful tools and frameworks for creating mobile apps.

In this article, we’ll compare Flutter vs. React Native over eight points to help you make an informed decision. We will explore various factors:

  • programming language and syntax
  • user interface (UI) development
  • development environment and tooling
  • performance and speed
  • code sharing and reusability
  • community and ecosystem
  • platform support and integration
  • learning curve and documentation.

Knowing their differences in these points lets you choose the right cross-platform framework that aligns with your project requirements and priorities.

Overview of Flutter and React Native 

Without further ado, let’s discuss the two frameworks we are comparing:

Flutter: Revolutionizing UI Development

Flutter is a UI toolkit that enables developers to build cross-platform mobile applications with beautiful and highly customized user interfaces. Flutter uses Dart, a modern and expressive programming language, and provides a rich set of customizable widgets. These elements let Flutter developers make apps that run like native mobile apps.

Flutter apps are famous for having smooth animations and quick response times, just like native applications. It also offers a hot reload feature that allows developers to see changes in real-time, enhancing productivity and speeding up the development process.

Notable examples of successful mobile apps built with Flutter include Google Ads, Alibaba, and Reflectly. According to a Statista report, 12.64% of developers worldwide use Flutter.

React Native: Powering Cross-Platform App Development

React Native is a robust JavaScript-based framework for cross-platform mobile app development. It leverages the concept of “write once, run anywhere,” enabling code reuse across different platforms. Previously, React Native was limited to native app development and required separate codebases for each platform. However, their latest release, 0.71, introduced Turbo Modules, making it possible for React Native developers to use a single codebase for different platforms. 

React Native’s biggest strengths are its flexibility and ease of learning for developers. It is also popular due to its performance and ability to deliver native-like user experiences. According to the previously mentioned Statista report, 12.57% of developers worldwide use React Native.

Next, let us examine various criteria. We will discuss why these criteria are significant in choosing which framework to create cross-platform apps.

Comparison Criteria

When comparing Flutter vs. React Native, it is vital to understand the criteria that factor into your decision-making process. These criteria are crucial for business owners and software developers alike, as they directly impact the success of your project.

1. Programming Language and Syntax

This factor is significant because it determines the development experience and resource availability. Even though most developers know a couple or more programming languages and frameworks, some languages are more obscure and challenging than others. The framework’s programming language and syntax are significant factors in knowing whether your team can use a framework and how much you will need to spend to get developers who can handle it.

2. UI Development

UI development involves creating and optimizing a mobile application’s look, feel, and navigation. UI development is vital in delivering users a seamless and visually appealing experience. Your software’s design affects the impression you form in customers’ minds. According to Kinesis, 75% of your customers will judge your credibility based on what they see on your website.

3. Development Environment and Tooling

The development environment determines whether the coding experience is seamless or painful. It should offer a comprehensive set of tools, integrated libraries, and debugging options to help developers become more productive. An effective development environment makes detecting and fixing errors easier before they become a big problem. With many tools, libraries, and debugging options, you can finish faster with fewer problems, reducing your time to market and your costs.

4. Performance and Speed

The performance and speed of your app directly affect customer satisfaction. Users would instead leave apps that load slowly than wait for them, resulting in lower engagement — you are 4.42% less likely to convert a visitor for every second your website loads past three seconds, according to Zippia. Zippia also reports that 70% of businesses on the Internet fail because their users have a terrible experience.

5. Code Sharing and Reusability

These factors refer to the ability to reuse code across different platforms. The flexibility of a framework in terms of code sharing and reusability helps deliver a consistent experience across multiple platforms, reducing development time and costs and improving user experiences.

6. Community and Ecosystem

A vibrant community is essential for any technology or framework’s success. A strong community provides support, guidance, and resources to developers. It is also crucial for the framework’s long-term success since a robust ecosystem ensures more resources are available to developers and businesses.

7. Platform Support and Integration

Platform support and integration are related to compatibility with different platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, etc., as well as other services and software. Multi-platform support is vital to ensure your app works flawlessly across different platforms. Moreover, developing the same app for different platforms can be costly.

8. Learning Curve and Documentation

The learning curve affects developers starting with a new language or framework. A low learning curve makes it easier to get up to speed quickly, saving time and money. Furthermore, good documentation is also essential to provide detailed information about using different features and components in the framework.

Point 1: Programming Language and Syntax

When comparing Flutter vs. React Native, an essential aspect is the programming language and syntax. The programming language used in a framework can significantly impact code readability, learning curve, and developer productivity. Let’s explore the advantages and considerations of JavaScript in React Native and Dart in Flutter.

Advantages and Considerations of Dart for Developers

Flutter utilizes Dart as its programming language, providing distinct advantages for developers. Dart is a modern and expressive language that offers a more structured and concise approach to coding. Its strong static typing helps catch errors at compile-time, reducing the likelihood of bugs and improving code reliability.

One of the main advantages of Dart is its performance. Dart’s ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation allows a Flutter app to run natively, delivering high-performance and efficient execution. Dart’s just-in-time (JIT) compilation enables fast development cycles with features like hot reload, allowing developers to see real-time changes during development.

However, there are considerations when working with Dart. As a language that may be less familiar to developers than JavaScript, there might be a steeper learning curve for those new to Dart. Additionally, Dart’s ecosystem and community support are steadily growing.

Here’s an example of Dart code used in Flutter:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: Text('Hello, Flutter!'),

Advantages and Considerations of JavaScript for Developers

JavaScript, the language used in React Native apps, offers several advantages for developers. First, JavaScript is a widely adopted language with a vast developer community and an extensive range of libraries and resources. So, finding skilled JavaScript developers and ready-made solutions takes less time and effort.

JavaScript’s versatility is another advantage. It is a dynamically-typed language that allows developers to write code more flexibly, making it easier to adapt and iterate during development. Moreover, JavaScript has an asynchronous nature and event-driven model, which lets you build responsive and interactive UI.

However, JavaScript’s flexibility can lead to pitfalls, such as uncaught errors and runtime issues. Furthermore, JavaScript’s loosely typed nature can lead to mistakes that might be hard to catch and debug, potentially necessitating additional testing and error handling to ensure code reliability and stability.

Here’s an example of JavaScript code used in React Native:

import React from 'react';

import { Text, View } from 'react-native';

const App = () => {
  return (
      <Text>Hello, React Native!</Text>

export default App;

Winner in this Aspect

There is no absolute winner regarding programming language and syntax since it largely depends on your project’s requirements, priorities, and resources. React Native’s use of JavaScript offers the advantage of a vast developer community, extensive resources, and flexibility. On the other hand, Flutter’s use of Dart provides a more structured and performant language.

Consider your team’s familiarity with the languages, the availability of skilled developers, and the specific needs of your project. Many developers may consider React Native easier to pick up, though.

Point 2: User Interface (UI) Development

UI is a critical aspect of mobile app development, as it directly influences the user experience and the app’s visual appeal. When comparing React Native and Flutter, it is vital to consider their respective UI development approaches and how they impact the overall development process.

Flutter’s Custom Widget Approach

Flutter does not rely on native components. Instead, Flutter provides a rich set of customizable widgets that can be composed to create unique and visually appealing interfaces. This approach lets the app look the same on different platforms. Flutter’s widget-based system gives businesses and developers greater flexibility and freedom, as well as more control over the visual aspects of their apps.

Many apps use Flutter for their UI, such as Google Pay, Google Classroom, eBay, and the companion apps for BMW, Toyota, and Hamilton the Musical.

Native Components in React Native

React Native leverages native components and platform-specific UI elements the underlying operating system provides. This approach allows developers to create UIs that closely match the native look and feel of each platform. With this approach, businesses can deliver a familiar and intuitive user experience. The availability of numerous pre-built native components enhances development speed and reduces the need for custom UI implementation.

Since Meta developed React Native, the company has used it to create apps like Facebook, Oculus, and Instagram. Even Microsoft Teams, Skype, and Outlook use it.

Impact Analysis

When analyzing the impact of these UI development approaches, several factors come into play:

1. Design Flexibility

Flutter’s custom widget approach offers more design flexibility since developers can customize every UI aspect, resulting in visually stunning and unique interfaces. React Native’s reliance on native components limits design flexibility to some extent, as it aligns with the platform’s design guidelines.

2. Performance

React Native’s use of native components gives it a performance boost because these components are designed for the platform. However, Flutter’s custom rendering engine ensures consistently smooth animations and delivers excellent performance across platforms.

3. Platform-Specific UI Customization

React Native’s use of native components allows for greater platform-specific UI customization. Developers can take advantage of specific platform features and functionalities to tailor the UI experience for each platform. In contrast, Flutter’s custom widgets provide a consistent UI across platforms, reducing the ability for platform-specific customization.

Winner in this Aspect

Unfortunately, there is no clear winner in terms of UI development. If design flexibility and customization for different platforms are crucial, React Native’s native components can be a favorable choice. On the other hand, if you value design flexibility, visual consistency, and performance across platforms, Flutter’s custom widget approach may be the better option.

Point 3: Development Environment and Tooling

The development environment provides developers with a structured and efficient workflow, allowing them to write, test, and iterate on their code. On the other hand, tooling refers to the specific software tools and frameworks that developers utilize within the development environment. These tools can vary depending on the programming language and framework.

Differences in Workflow, Tooling Support, and Developer Productivity

Each framework’s development environment and tooling significantly impact the workflow, productivity, and overall efficiency of the development process. Let’s examine this below:


Flutter utilizes a declarative UI programming model that requires developers to write code specific to the Flutter framework. Its hot reload feature facilitates a fast development cycle by instantly reflecting code changes in the running app.

On the other hand, React Native follows a “learn once, write anywhere” approach, allowing developers to leverage their JavaScript and web development knowledge. It provides a simplified workflow by enabling React Native developers to write code once and deploy it to multiple platforms. 

Tooling Support

Flutter and React Native offer a range of tools to enhance the development experience.

Flutter includes the Flutter SDK, which comprises a command-line interface (CLI) tool, a package manager (pub), and the Flutter DevTools for debugging and profiling.

On the other hand, React Native provides tools like React Native CLI, Expo, and various integrated development environments (IDEs) to streamline development tasks.

Developer Productivity

With its customizable widget-based framework, Flutter allows developers to create unique UIs and offers an extensive catalog of widgets. It also provides comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and a growing community, contributing to developer productivity.

In contrast, React Native’s vast community and extensive ecosystem provide access to numerous libraries, packages, and resources, making it easier for developers to find solutions to common problems. It offers robust support for third-party integrations and features a rich selection of pre-built components. Its latest version also includes a new architecture with performance enhancements, possibly reducing a 10-minute build to 32 seconds.

Level of Integration with Popular IDEs:

Flutter has a well-defined development environment that includes a rich set of tools and plugins. React Native has no dedicated development environment, but you can use React Native with any IDE that supports JavaScript. Here’s how React Native and Flutter integrate with other popular IDEs:

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Both Flutter and React Native have excellent integration with VS Code, a lightweight and highly customizable code editor. VS Code offers essential features like IntelliSense, debugging, and an extensive collection of extensions for Flutter and React Native development.

Android Studio

Flutter and React Native seamlessly integrate with Android Studio, the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. Android Studio offers advanced tools, such as the Android Emulator, which aids in testing and debugging React Native and Flutter apps on Android devices.


React Native integrates well with Xcode, the official IDE for iOS app development, allowing developers to build and test a React Native app on an iOS device. Flutter, a framework developed by Google, primarily focuses on cross-platform development and does not rely heavily on Xcode for its development workflow. 

Boosting Efficiency

The development environment and tooling provided by React Native and Flutter significantly impact efficiency, productivity, and development time. The following features contribute to enhanced efficiency:

Hot Reload and Fast Refresh

Flutter and React Native both offer hot reloading, which recompiles the entire code base every time you change the code. This feature shows developers immediate updates as they edit the code, eliminating the need for a complete app reload. This feature reduces development time and allows developers to iterate quickly. Since Flutter released version 2.2 in August 2021, Flutter developers could see code changes immediately. However, Flutter’s hot reload is generally less reliable than React Native’s because the app may crash if code changes are too significant or complex. The difference in reliability is marginal, however.

The general opinion was that Flutter’s hot reload was faster because Flutter uses a single codebase. In contrast, React Native previously relied on separate codebases for each platform. However, that has changed since React Native’s latest update, 0.71, which includes Turbo Modules that make the codebase singular.

Still, React Native now has Fast Refresh, which uses incremental recompilation. Simply put, it only recompiles edited parts of the code. Since Turbo Modules reduce the code you need to recompile when changes are made, Fast Refresh times are much quicker now.

Debugging Tools

Flutter and React Native provide robust debugging tools that aid in identifying and resolving issues during the development process. These tools enable developers to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through the code to diagnose and fix errors efficiently. In particular, Flutter 3.10, released this May 2023, includes an improved DevTools suite with an enhanced debugger and inspector.

Winner in this Aspect

The winner in the development environment and tooling aspect depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Suppose you value a familiar development experience, extensive third-party library support, and integration with popular IDEs. In that case, React Native is a solid choice. However, suppose you prioritize a highly customizable UI development approach, rapid iterations, and strong tooling support. In that case, Flutter is the framework to consider. 

Next, let’s pit Flutter vs. React Native in terms of performance.

Point 4: React Native vs Flutter Performance

Performance and speed are critical points of comparison in the React Native vs Flutter match-up. Users expect fast and responsive experiences, and the performance characteristics of the frameworks can significantly impact user satisfaction.

Analysis of General Performance Factors

Several factors contribute to the overall performance of mobile applications built with React Native and Flutter. Here are three significant ones:

Rendering Speed

Rendering speed refers to the efficiency of rendering user interfaces on the screen. It affects how quickly UI elements are displayed and updated. React Native uses a bridge to communicate between JavaScript and native components, which can introduce overhead and affect rendering speed. Flutter uses a widget-based rendering system, enabling more control over rendering and potentially faster rendering speed. So, Flutter is generally quicker than React Native.


Smooth animations enhance the user experience and make applications feel more responsive. Flutter can deliver highly interactive and visually appealing animations using its custom graphics engine and reactive framework design. It also directly controls the rendering pipeline, making it an ideal option for applications that rely heavily on complex animations. Flutter 2.12 also improves support for 3D rendering.

In contrast, React Native leverages native rendering capabilities to deliver high-quality animations. However, complex animations or those requiring fine-grained control may face performance challenges due to the bridge communication.

In terms of animation, Flutter is generally better.

Overall Responsiveness

The overall responsiveness of an application encompasses factors like touch response, gestures, and transitions. React Native, with its integration of native components, can deliver native-like responsiveness in most cases. However, the bridge communication may introduce some latency when dealing with heavy computations or complex interactions. Flutter’s custom rendering engine and reactive framework design contribute to excellent responsiveness and smooth user interactions, even in more demanding scenarios. As such, Flutter apps overshadow React Native apps in terms of responsiveness.

Winner in this Aspect

Thanks to its custom graphics engine and reactive framework, Flutter sweeps this round based on rendering speed, animation smoothness, and responsiveness. Even though React Native has an edge in complex calculations and data processing, its bridge communication can cause performance issues. 

Point 5: Code Sharing and Reusability

Code sharing is the ability to write code once and use it across multiple platforms. Reusability involves using existing code components in different parts of an application or across other projects. These practices can save time and effort by eliminating the need to rewrite code from scratch for each platform or feature. Code sharing and reusability are essential when comparing React Native and Flutter for cross-platform application development.

React Native, based on JavaScript, provides a high level of code sharing, allowing developers to share a significant portion of their codebase across platforms. In older React Native versions, developers still had to write some unique code for different platforms. Because of React Native 0.71’s Turbo Modules, developers can write only one codebase and use it on various platforms. React Native also promotes code reuse through its component-based approach. On the other hand, Flutter, using Dart, promotes code reuse through its widget-based system, letting you reuse UI components efficiently.

In addition to UI components, code sharing, and reusability extend to other areas, such as business logic and platform-specific code. Business logic refers to the rules and processes that govern how an application functions and interacts with data. With code sharing and reusability, developers can write and reuse business logic code, leading to more efficient development and maintenance. Platform-specific code refers to code specific to a particular platform, such as accessing device features or utilizing platform-specific APIs. Sharing and reusing platform-specific code across different platforms can streamline development efforts.

Impacts of Code Sharing and Reusability on Various Aspects

Code sharing and reusability have far-reaching implications for various aspects of cross-platform app development, including efficiency, productivity, scalability, maintainability, and cost.

1. Development Speed and Cost Efficiency

Code sharing and reusability means using written code across different projects and platforms, significantly reducing development time. This efficiency leads to cost savings as it uses fewer resources for development and maintenance. Efficiency results in faster time-to-market, too.

2. Maintenance and Resource Management

Code sharing and reusability contribute to easier maintenance and updates of cross-platform apps. With shared code, bug fixes and feature enhancements can be applied simultaneously across multiple platforms, reducing maintenance efforts and ensuring consistency. 

3. Project Scalability

Code sharing and reusability play a vital role in project scalability. By leveraging shared code, developers can efficiently scale their projects to accommodate new features and platforms, reducing development costs and time-to-market for future enhancements. 

Winner in this Aspect

Both cross-platform development frameworks offer code-sharing and reusability. This round is a tie, thanks to React Native’s Turbo Modules and Flutter’s custom widget-based approach.

Point 6: Community and Ecosystem

The community and ecosystem provide developers with support, resources, and growth opportunities. Let’s delve into the importance of community and ecosystem in this Flutter vs. React Native comparison.

The Importance of Support and Active Community Engagement

Support and active community engagement greatly influence development projects. These things offer guidance, assistance, and timely solutions to development challenges.

Active community engagement fosters collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among developers. The community is an environment where developers can help each other, swap ideas, and contribute to the framework’s growth.

Availability of Community Resources

Now, let’s compare React Native and Flutter in terms of available community resources:

1. Third-Party Libraries

A third-party library is a pre-built package or module developers create outside the core framework. These libraries provide additional functionality and help developers save time and effort by giving them existing solutions to common problems.

Regarding third-party libraries, both React Native and Flutter have diverse ecosystems with numerous libraries. React Native was adopted earlier and has a larger community, so it has a vast collection of libraries for functionalities such as navigation, UI components, data management, and more. Developers can use this extensive library collection to speed up development. You can find libraries in the React Native Directory, NPM, and GitHub.

Flutter, though somewhat new compared to React Native, is rapidly growing. While the number of third-party libraries may be smaller than React Native, Flutter’s library collection is expanding steadily. Flutter has high-quality UI component libraries, making it easier for developers to build visually appealing and interactive user interfaces.

2. Plugins

Plugins extend the framework’s functionality by integrating with external services, APIs, or platform-specific features. They enhance the framework’s capabilities and enable developers to access platform-specific functionalities without starting from scratch.

Regarding plugins, React Native has an advantage because it has been in the market longer. Because of this, it has a larger community. The React Native community has developed various plugins that can integrate with different services, APIs, and platform-specific features. These plugins simplify the integration of native functionalities, such as camera access, geolocation services, push notifications, and more.

As a newer framework, Flutter has a smaller but growing collection of plugins. However, the Flutter community is expanding the plugin ecosystem, focusing on essential features and popular integrations. While the number of available plugins may not be as extensive as in React Native, Flutter’s plugin development is gaining momentum, and developers can usually find a plugin for most essential requirements.

3. Community-produced Developer Resources

Community-produced developer resources include tutorials, articles, sample code, forums, and other learning materials created by the developer community. These resources are valuable for supporting developers with the framework, offering insights, guidance, and solutions.

React Native benefits from a large, active community that has created various tutorials, articles, videos, sample projects, and open-source libraries. Still, Flutter has a rapidly growing community that actively produces developer resources despite being a newer framework. The difference may be marginal; most developers will generally find resources they can use for most known problems.

Winner in this Aspect

React Native and Flutter are on even footing in this aspect. Both have vibrant communities that actively produce a wide range of developer resources.

Point 7: Platform Support and Integration

Before you pick one in the Flutter vs. React Native rivalry, you must consider the platforms each framework supports and their ease of integration with native functionality and device features. 

Platforms that Each Framework Supports

Look at what platforms you can use React Native and Flutter on:


Both React Native and Flutter provide support for iOS development. They allow developers to build apps that can run seamlessly on iOS devices, leveraging native features and capabilities. These features include access to device hardware, sensors, and platform-specific APIs. Flutter 3.10  has many improvements for iOS developers, too.


React Native and Flutter also offer robust support for Android development. They can seamlessly integrate with the Android ecosystem and access device functionalities. The frameworks use different methods to access native Android features and APIs; React Native apps use a bridge to communicate with the native Android platform, while Flutter apps use a Dart VM.

Hybrid Apps, Web Platforms, and Desktop Platforms

React Native can be used to develop hybrid apps capable of running on desktop and mobile devices. It has also supported web and desktop platforms since version 0.59, released in November 2019. React Native now supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Flutter has had web platform support since the Flutter 2.0 release, which it improved further in its latest 3.10 release. With Flutter, developers can build web applications in addition to mobile apps. Flutter supports the same desktop platforms as React Native: Windows, MacOS, and Linux.

Ease of Integration

Here’s how React Native and Flutter compare in terms of ease of integration:

1. React Native

React Native offers good integration capabilities with native functionality through native modules. Developers can access device features and platform-specific APIs by creating custom native modules and integrating them into their React Native app. So React Native allows for seamless integration with native code and native device functionalities, providing more control and flexibility.

2. Flutter

Flutter takes a different approach to integration by using platform channels. It provides a robust set of pre-built plugins that offer seamless integration with native functionality. Developers can access device features, utilize platform-specific APIs, and integrate with native code through these plugins. Flutter’s plugins streamline the integration process and provide convenient access to native functionality.

Winner in this Aspect

Now, React Native and Flutter can be used to make iOS and Android apps, and they support the same desktop platforms. So, it is a tie in this aspect.

In terms of integration, Flutter offers a seamless integration experience through its pre-built plugins and platform channels. Still, React Native provides more flexibility because of its native modules, allowing for deep integration with native functionality. Which one you choose depends on which one you need more: smooth integration or flexibility and depth.

Point 8: Learning Curve and Documentation

Before you adopt a new framework, you must have an idea of the learning curve and the availability of documentation and learning resources. A steep learning curve may make adoption more challenging and resource-intensive.

Availability and Quality of Learning Resources

React Native benefits from its popularity and maturity, resulting in many learning resources and extensive documentation. The official React Native documentation provides detailed explanations, guides, and API references, making it a valuable resource for developers. The official Flutter documentation is thorough and well-organized, covering various aspects of Flutter development services.

Since both frameworks have extensive official documentation and established communities, developers will find the difference between the two marginal. Still, G2 Crowd and Capterra users say Flutter’s documentation is generally more comprehensive and easier to understand.

Ease of Onboarding and Upskilling

The ease of onboarding new developers and acquiring the necessary skills is essential. Here’s how React Native and Flutter compare in terms of onboarding and upskilling:

1. Flutter

Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which may require developers to learn a new language syntax. However, Dart is known for its simplicity and easy-to-understand syntax, making it approachable for developers with various backgrounds. Dart also shares similarities with JavaScript, so while learning a new language can be challenging, it won’t be impossible for a JavaScript-proficient developer. It is also relatively easy to pick up for developers familiar with C-style syntax languages.

2. React Native

React Native leverages the familiarity of JavaScript and web development concepts, making it more accessible to developers with prior knowledge. Developers with experience in React.js can leverage their existing knowledge when transitioning to React Native. Compared to Flutter and Dart, learning to use React Native is a much smoother transition. Also, the extensive community support and availability of learning resources contribute to the ease of onboarding and upskilling for React Native.

In general, React Native has a flatter learning curve than Flutter because JavaScript is already prevalent in web development. The learning curve will be just as steep for developers who need to learn JavaScript or are unfamiliar with React.js.

Tips and Resources for Learning Flutter and React Native

If you want to learn and master these frameworks, consider these tips:

  1. Start with the official documentation to gain a solid understanding of each framework’s fundamentals.
  2. Explore online tutorials and video courses that provide step-by-step guidance and practical examples.
  3. Find a mentor or join a community of developers using the framework you want to learn.
  4. Engage with each framework’s community through forums, discussion groups, and open-source projects to learn from experienced developers and gain insights into best practices.
  5. Set aside time each day to learn and practice.
  6. Ask for help when you get stuck.
  7. Be patient and persistent. Learning a new framework takes time and effort.

Here are some authoritative open-source learning resources for React Native:

  • React Native Community: https://reactnative.dev/
  • React Native Express: https://www.reactnativeexpress.com/
  • React Native School: https://www.reactnativeschool.com/

If you’re looking for excellent Flutter learning resources, follow these links:

  • Flutter.dev: https://flutter.dev/
  • Flutter Gems: https://fluttergems.dev/
  • Flutter Institute: https://flutter.dev/docs/resources/learning-resources


In this article, we compared Flutter vs. React Native for cross-platform frameworks. Here’s a summary of each framework’s strengths and unique characteristics:

React NativeFlutter
Native-like performance with JavaScriptCustomizable and visually appealing UI
Extensive community support and ecosystemConsistent and reactive development experience
Mature development environment and toolingHigh-performance rendering and animations
Strong reusabilityExtensive code-sharing capabilities
Integration with popular IDEsExtensive widget catalog
Easier adoption for developers familiar with JavaScriptGrowing community and ecosystem

It is crucial to consider these differences when selecting a framework for your cross-platform app development project. Your project’s specific requirements, priorities, and development team expertise should guide your decision.

At BIT Studios, we understand the challenges of choosing the right framework and developing high-quality cross-platform applications. Our expert team is well-versed in React Native and Flutter, and we offer professional guidance and software development services tailored to your unique needs. Contact us today, and let’s bring your app idea to life with the right framework.

Originally published October 14, 2019, updated October 31, 2023

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